Odorless, colorless gas
Elevated radon levels found in homes are more common than you may think. And unfortunately, radon gas is an odorless, colorless gas that’s undetectable without a radon test. Radon gas is known as a silent killer and it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer according to the EPA. We use a third-party certified radon inspector to test for elevated radon levels in your home, so when we’re at your home for your home inspection, let’s be sure to include radon testing for peace of mind. You owe it to yourself and your family to be safe.
Radon safety levels are important to know
Per the EPA, because there is no known safe level of radon exposure, it’s recommended to implement ventilation systems in homes with any detection over 2 pCi/L, however, it’s imperative for radon remediation for levels over 4 pCi/L. You may wonder how radon gas enters your home. While it typically moves up through the ground, it can also be found in your building materials such as granite countertops. When the radon gas builds up inside your home over time it can reach unhealthy levels.
Schedule your test for radon detection in Cambridge, OH
The radon level testing utilizes a continuous radon monitor system to test your home. This works by taking hourly readings of detected radon levels, usually taking about 48 hours to complete. Call us today at 740-630-6985 to schedule your radon test. We line up a certified inspector and deliver the report to you as soon as it's ready!